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Created in July 2000

Note: see the Pedal Box of Dursian for a more powerful implementation

This is a simple Floorboard which consists of 12 foot-buttons and a LED display. It enables you to "tip" Program Change messages with your foots in order to switch between synthesizer patches or Fx gear setups, or whatever else. The selected patch is displayed by the LEDs.

When you tip on button 1, 2, 3, ... 0, a Program Change is sent out immediately. When you tip the +10 or -10 button, the LEDs begin to flash - on this way they signalize the selection of a new decade. You can increment/decrement the decade from x, 1x, 2x, 3x ... to 12x. The LEDs stop to flash when you tip on button 1, 2, 3, ... 0 again. Thereafter the appr. Program Change is sent over the MIDI cable.

Have fun with this nice application - if you need more functionality, just enhance the source code. :)


File Size Description
floorboard.pdf 12k Floorboard Circuit
WikiPage LINK Layout for Floorboard PCB made by MTE
floorboard_v1001.hex.zip 1k Floorboard Firmware for PIC16F87x-20
Source Code
floorboard_v1.1.zip 14k Floorboard Source Code
floorboard_bestelliste.txt 1k Reichelt Orderlist for German Users

Note: see the Pedal Box of Dursian for a more powerful implementation

Last update: 2024-05-08

Copyright © 1998-2023, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.