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Serge's SysEx Loader, PIC18F Version

Serge's comfortable SysEx Loader simplifies the up- and download of MIOS code and configuration data. In difference to MIDI-Ox, you don't have to take care for timings, but only need to load the .syx file and push the button.

Serge's SysEx Loader


The program can be downloaded from miostools.midibox.org.

Uploading a SysEx file

Just click the "Open SysEx file" button and select the .syx file you want to upload to the core. The SysEx format will be detected automatically and displayed at the right side. Click the "Send SysEx" button to send the file. The receive status will be displayed in the message box at the bottom.

Downloading a SysEx file

Select the format type you want to request from your MIDIbox. E.g., if you want to get a MIDIbox SID patch, then select "MIDIbox SID Patch", the SID device ID (normaly 0) and the patch number. Click the "Request SysEx Dump" button and wait until the patch has been received. Thereafter click "Store SysEx File" to store the patch. Now you can load the new .syx file again and send it back to your box if you want.

Another example: if you want to make a backup of your BankStick, then select "MIOS 32k BankStick" (or 64k if you are using a bigger one), select the MIOS device ID of your core (normaly 0) and select the BankStick number (1). Click the "Request SysEx Dump" button and wait until all 32 blocks have been received. Thereafter store the .syx file.

Device ID and Patch/Bank/Pattern number

Depending on the file format, you have additional options:

File content Options/Notes
MIOS program memory MIOS Device ID from 0 to 127
Core will be rebooted after up/download!
MIOS EEPROM memory MIOS Device ID from 0 to 127
Core will be rebooted after up/download!
MIOS 32k BankStick MIOS Device ID from 0 to 127
BankStick Number from 1 to 8
Core will be rebooted after up/download!
MIOS 64k BankStick MIOS Device ID from 0 to 127
BankStick Number from 1 to 8
Core will be rebooted after up/download!
MIDIbox64 Bank MB64 ID from 0 to 7
Bank Number from 1 to 128
MIDIbox64 Patch MB64 Device ID from 0 to 7
Patch Number from 1 to 128
Note: not supported by firmware yet!
MIDIO128 Bank MIDIO128 Device ID from 0 to 7
MIDIbox64E Bank MB64E Device ID from 0 to 7
Bank Number from 1 to 128
MIDIbox64E Patch MB64E Device ID from 0 to 7
Patch Number from 1 to 128
Note: not supported by firmware yet!
MIDIbox SID Patch SID Device ID from 0 to 127
Patch Number from 1 to 128
MIDIbox SEQ Pattern MBSEQ Device ID from 0 to 127
Patch Number from 1 to 128
MIDIbox CV Patch MBCV Device ID from 0 to 127
Patch Number from 1 to 128
MIDIbox FM Patch MBFM Device ID from 0 to 127
Patch Number from 1 to 128
Note: future project, not available yet!

These options always overwrite the values of the SysEx dump - means: if the loaded file contains device ID 0, you can select device ID 1, 2, 3, ... in order to send the dump to a core with another ID. The same does apply to the Patch/Pattern/Bank number (depending on the format). In this way you are able to copy contents between multiple cores or BankSticks without editing (or regenerating) the .syx file.

Please Note:

This loader works only with MIOS based projects. For the discontinued PIC16F projects please use the old version of the SysEx Loader

Last update: 2025-02-22

Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.