MIDIbox Hardware Platform, Digital OUT Module, old Layout
Soldering Guide
This soldering guide explains how to build a DOUT module based on the old layout (e.g. from Mike). If you want to build a module based on the revised layout from SmashTV please continue at this page.
Start with soldering the 15 bridges which save you from creating a 2-layer board. You can use the cutted legs of caps and resistors, before you throw them away after you finished all the modules! :-) Note that the 5 bridges between Pin 13 of the ICs and Vss (ground) and Pin 15 -> J6:D0 will be soldered at the bottom side! |
Mount the IC-sockets before continuing. |
This picture shows the 5 additional bridges, realized with isolated cables. |
Add also the four additional Bypass Caps between Vdd and ground (Vss) of each chip on the bottom side of the PCB as close to the +5V power input of the 74HC595 as possible. Add an additional cap (100 uF) at the power input of the DOUT module. These caps improve the power integrity. |
A full stuffed DOUTX4 module within a MIDIbox64. |

Last update: 2019-01-04
Copyright © 1998-2019, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.