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User Manual --- Tutorial #5

Arpeggiator Part 1

In distance to the Transposer, the Arpeggiator allows you to play and transpose selected keys of a chord. In following tutorial we will try out a basic sequence, and in the next tutorial more advanced sequences.

Like in previous tutorials, we are starting with the transpose track in G4T4 (of course, you could also control the transposer from an external keyboard, but we want to keep the sequence fully automated). This time, we configure the track to send only notes from each parameter layer:
  • Event: Note track, send to the Bus1 port (loopback)
    Select Note for Layer A, B, C and D (layer can be changed with the GP9 encoder).
  • Divider: set to 256 (whole notes). You could also push GP9 for the quick selection of this divider value.
  • Length: 8 steps (available as quick selection at the right side as well)
Enter following notes into Layer A and B:
Edit Screen

Edit Screen

Change to the MENU->MODE page, enable the Arpeggiator and the sort function:
Edit Screen

Thereafter change to the EDIT page (surprise! The note steps look different now), and enter following arp values:
Edit Screen

What do the numbers mean:
  • Step #1: plays the second note of the chord, transposed by +1 octave
  • Step #3: plays the first note of the chord, transposed by +1 octave
  • Step #5: plays the second note of the chord, not transposed (+0)
  • Step #7: plays the first note of the chord, not transposed (+0)
Additional configurations:
  • Length: 8 steps (available as quick selection at the right side)
Push the PLAY button, and change the note length in Layer C until it sounds nice (ca. 83%).
Sidenote: MIDIbox SID in poly mode is used as sound source for this track!
Change to the FX->ECHO page, and select following configuration:
Edit Screen

Now it should sound like in this example:
For the case that you don't already know this tune, here a hint: it's the beginning of the "Miami Vice" ingame music, composed by Martin Galway - master of the SIDs! :-)
You can use SIDPLAY2 to playback the .sid file. Mac Users: use SIDPLAY.
We add an 8-step bassline which gets use of the Arpeggiator as well:
Edit Screen

Audio example:
And an additional 8-step line, where we also vary the velocity (in Parameter Layer B):
Edit Screen

Audio example:
Finally let's play all 3 tracks together with some (sample loop based) drums:
After 0:29 I started to play the chords manually from an external keyboard to vary the sequences.

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Last update: 2025-02-22

Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.