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TODO: describe software architecture


Informations about the precompiled gcc toolchain and installation instructions can be found on following Wiki pages:


    README CODE #001: Forwarding MIDI Events
    README CODE #002: Parsing MIDI Events
    README CODE #003: Debug Message
    README CODE #004: Sending MIDI
    README CODE #005: Polling J5 Pins
    README CODE #006: Usage of RTOS Tasks
    README CODE #007: MIOS32 Timer
    README CODE #008: J5 Outputs
    README CODE #009: Controlling up to 128 LEDs with DOUTX4 Modules
    README CODE #010: Scanning up to 128 buttons connected to DINX4 Modules
    README CODE #011: Scanning 12 analog pots
    README CODE #012b: Scanning up to 64 analog pots (or even more)
    README CODE #013: Controlling Motorfaders
    README CODE #014: Sending relative MIDI events with rotary encoders
    README CODE #014b: Sending relative MIDI events with rotary encoders connected to J5
    README CODE #015: Sending absolute MIDI events with rotary encoders
    README CODE #015b: Sending absolute MIDI events with rotary encoders connected to J5
    README CODE #016: Using AOUTs and a Notestack
    README CODE #017: A simple Sequencer
    README CODE #018: A simple Arpeggiator
    README CODE #019: A MIDI Player plays from SD Card
    README CODE #020: LCD Output
    README CODE #021: Graphical LCD Output
    README CODE #022: Graphical LCD with Touchpanel
    README CODE #023: Exclusive access to LCD device (using a Mutex)
    README CODE #024: I2S Synthesizer
    README CODE #025: SysEx Parser and EEPROM Emulation
    README CODE #026: Digital potentiometers
    README CODE #027: Standard Control Surface
    README CODE #028: Simple OSC Server and Client
    README CODE #029: Fast Scan Matrix for velocity sensitive Keyboard

    MIOS32 Flowchart

    Doxygen Doc

    An automatically generated documentation about the APIs is available under:

    Last update: 2025-03-21

    Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.