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This page has been written for the old PIC16F877/PIC16F874 firmwares. For newer MIOS based PIC18F projects see this page

MIDIbox .syx configuration

Some MIDIbox applications like MIDIbox Plus, MIDIbox64, MIDIbox64E, MIDIbox MF and MIDIO128 are providing additional configuration possibilities which are part of a "Bank". In difference to the program code, such memory dumps can be uploaded on-the-fly during runtime, and some of the applications also allow to store the dumps in a BankStick, so that you are able to switch between different setups very quickly.

There are two ways to edit the bank content. You can either use the mk_syx or mk_midio128_syx script for a text based configuration (the fastest way to customize a large number of settings), or you can use Serge's vmidibox editors which are described here (GUI based configuration).
Link to the MIDI-OX site Download MIDI-OX from this site.
Link to the perl.com Download perl if it isn't installed on your computer.
Unix users: it comes mostly with your distribution.
Windows users: take Active Perl.
Mac users: take MacPerl
Open a .ini file with your favourite text editor and change the settings for your needs.
Open a shell and change to the directory which contains the .ini file. Start the mk_syx.pl script with perl mk_syx.pl [ini-file].
Example: perl mk_syx.pl midibox64.ini
snap1.gif Now Start MIDI-OX and configure the MIDI In/Out Ports.
snap1.gif Ensure that the datastream from the MIDI In port is not forwarded to the MIDI Out port in order to avoid a feedback loop! Deselect the Auto-switch in the lower left corner before selecting a MIDI In/Out port so that this connection will not be done automatically. Check the port mapping at the right side: the MIDI In port should not appear in the list!
snap2.gif Ensure that SysEx is enabled.
snap3.gif Start the SysEx tool.
snap4.gif Go into the configure menu.
snap5.gif IMPORTANT: the SysEx tool configuration is different to the configuration required for the Bootstrap Loader! For a bank upload, the Low Level Output Buffer has to be configured to : Size = 1 Byte, Delay = 20 ms!
Load the .syx file
snap7.gif Send it to the MIDIbox/MIDIO.

Last update: 2025-02-22

Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.