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The MIDIbox Hardware Platform

The MIDIbox Hardware Platform is the consequential continuation of my work on MIDI controllers in the last years. It brings down every design to one standardized environment with reusable and exchangeable modules.
Well, this method is nothing new, did you ever saw the inner life of an old television, or a HIFI system, or a computer, or - of course - a modular synthesizer system? All are consisting of smaller or larger units, which interact over dedicated interfaces. This way of thinking, which simplifies the understanding of complex technical applications, is now also promoted by the MBHP.

The focus of the platform:

  • well defined and documented modules
  • small, uncomplicated circuits
  • realizable on PCBs (single-layer) and prototype boards
  • PCBs designed with a freeware CAD program
  • different applications for different configurations
  • open for future extensions by other hobbyists
  • programming examples in the MIOS Download section

Here are some example diagramms of MIDI applications which can be realized with MBHP - note that all examples are based on the old PIC16F designs, please check also the MIOS Introduction page!

Project Module Diagramm Description
MIDIbox64 mbhp_midibox64.gif A full featured MIDIbox64
MIDIbox64 mbhp_midibox64_lc.gif A low-cost variant of MIDIbox64
MIDIbox64E mbhp_midibox64e.gif A MIDIbox64E with 16 rotary encoders, 16 LED rings and 32 buttons
MIDIbox64E mbhp_midibox64e_lc.gif A low-cost variant of MIDIbox64E with 1 rotary encoder and 30 buttons
MIDIbox64E mbhp_midibox64e_full.gif Another variant of MIDIbox64E with 64 rotary encoders and 64 LED rings
MIDIO128_V2 mbhp_midio128.gif A MIDI console with 128 buttons and 128 LEDs
MIDIO128_V3 midio128_v3_interconnections.png More advanced version of MIDIO128 which adds USB and OSC support
MIDImon mbhp_midimon.gif A MIDI-Monitor
MIDImon mbhp_midimon_mtc.gif A MIDI-Monitor with MTC display
MIDImerger mbhp_midimerger.gif A MIDI merger
MIDIfilter mbhp_midifilter.gif A programmable MIDIfilter/processor
MIDIbox SID mbhp_sid.gif A MIDI synthesizer
MIDIbox SEQ V3 mbhp_seq.gif A MIDI sequencer for the PIC
MIDIbox SEQ V4 mbhp_seq.gif A MIDI sequencer for the STM32 and LPC17

If you are searching for the most flexible solution to build a MIDI Controller, have a look at the MIDIbox NG project, which supports almost all MBHP modules!

Available MBHP Modules

Please use the navigation bar at the left side to display the informations about the official MBHP modules.

PCBs and Kits

Schematics and PCB layouts are published on the MBHP pages for people who want to etch the boards at home, or customize the layouts for their own purposes.

Alternatively, premade PCBs and even complete Kits can be ordered at:

  • Modular Addict's MIDIbox Shop: located in USA (ships worldwide) - PCBs, Kits, preburned PICs, Encoders, Potentiometers, LEDs, and other MIDIbox parts.
  • Mikes Elektronikseite: located in Germany (ships worldwide too) - PCBs, Kits, preburned PIC18F452, Parts

Compare prices and service before ordering!

Last update: 2024-05-08

Copyright © 1998-2023, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.