MIDIbox MF Change Log

Last Release: V2.2 @ 2005-05-29

  • V2.2
    • a patch mode has been implemented which can be selected as an alternative option to the common "bank" mode in main.asm
      In patch mode, each BankStick contains only one bank configuration (means: fader/button/label setup), but 128 snapshots! This allows you to prepare one configuration for your MIDI gear, and to store/recall/morph up to 128 scenes.
    • there are two new SysEx commands for storing/restoring patches
    • patches and banks can be changed from external with a "Program Change" command. The channels are specified in main.asm. Default: Channel 16 - Banks; Channel 15: Patches
    • some minor bugfixes and improvements

  • V2.1
    • three new SysEx commands have been implemented to simplify the configuration data up- and download. It's a block oriented format and therefore doesn't require delays between every byte anymore. This means, that data uploads can now also be realized without the use of MIDI-Ox so long the SysEx tool allows to insert delays between every block ("Delay after F7") - it should be 750 mS - thats the same requirement like for MIOS uploads.
      More infos can be found here.
    • the mk_syx.pl script has been updated to support the new upload format. It can be downloaded from here.
    • Bankswitching now significantly faster
    • support for a datawheel (rotary encoder) as replacement for the left/right button. To enable it, set DEFAULT_ENC_DATAWHEEL to 0 - connect the rotary encoder to pin 4 and 5 of the first DIN shift register, connect the exec button to pin 7 and the snapshot button to pin 6

  • V2.0 - MIOS based version
    • the complete MIDIbox MF firmware has been ported to MIOS and is now running on a PIC18F452. For new projects it's recommended to switch to the PIC18F452 because of the higher flexibility, but also the update of an existing MIDIbox to MIOS makes sense due to the new features - just only the processor and the crystal have to be changed.
    • all 128 virtual faders and 64 button entries stored in a bank can be updated by incoming MIDI events
    • the previous "subbank" mechanism which divided the 128 fader entries into 8 "banks within banks" has been renamed to "pages" The width of a page is free definable. This means, that all 128 fader entries can be controlled by MBMF with a single fader (low-cost solution) as well as with up to 8 motorfaders!
    • Note that MIDIbox MF still uses the same SysEx format like MIDIbox64E, therefore Serge's vmidibox16e editor can be used for configuration. The transfer rate has to be set to a value less than 150, otherwise the dump won't be received completely. This isn't a bug in MIOS, but a problem related to the PIC18F which can only save 64 bytes at once in the internal flash memory (the PIC16F saves 2 bytes (14 bit) at once).
    • Beside of the MIDI Learn function, MIDI events can now also be edited directly
    • Support for on-screen editing of pot lables and banknames
    • up to 8 BankSticks can be handled by the firmware now (-> up to 64 banks)
    • the DEFAULT_BANKSTICK_CS setting in main.asm allows you to select a dedicated EEPROM for your application or disable the BankStick support at all. This feature is especially usefull when different applications are used with the MIDIbox
    • banks can be copied
    • A morphing function has been added which allows to fade smoothly between two pot scenes: the current fader positions and the fader positions saved in a snapshot (bank)
    • Fader events can now be triggered via Remote:
      F0 00 00 7E 43 [d]9 00 [pot] [value] F7
      ([d] = device number (0-7),
      [pot] = pot number (0-63),
      [value] = pot value (0-127)
    • Button events (also menu buttons) can now be triggered via Remote:
      F0 00 00 7E 43 [d]9 01 [button] [value] F7
      ([d] = device number (0-7),
      [button] = button number (0-63),
      [value] = button value (0=pressed, 1=depressed)
    • Special Functions can now be triggered via Remote:
      F0 00 00 7E 43 [d]9 02 [sfbn] [sfbp] [value] F7
      ([d] = device number (0-7),
      [sfbn] = special function number (0-127),
      [sfbp] = special function parameter (0-127),
      [value] = button value (0=pressed, 1=depressed)
    • A software implemented MIDI Rx/Tx LED function has been integrated
    • the MIDIbox64E tutorial has been updated (see http://www.ucapps.de) which is also relevant for MIDIbox MF
    • the LCD screen can now be centered for various displays, the cursor positions have to be configured in main.asm (search for DEFAULT_YOFFSET_LINE*)
    • the predefined MIDI channels stored in the bank can now be overwritten by a global channel

  • V1.000
    • no records

Last update: 2024-05-08

Copyright © 1998-2023, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.