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User Manual --- .NGL Configuration File
This chapter lists the configuration commands of a .NGL file. If this format is new to you, please read the First Steps chapter first to get a basic understanding.
The LABEL command specifies global label definitions which can be referenced by using the Caret (^) specifier in label or LCD output definitions of the .NGC file.
A basic usage example can already be found in the DEFAULT.NGL file which has been generated whenever a "virgin" SD Card has been connected to the core module:
# Standard label for buttons:
LABEL std_btn "Button #%3i %3d%b"
# Standard label for LEDs:
LABEL std_led "LED #%3i %b"
# Standard label for rotary encoders:
LABEL std_enc "ENC #%3i %3d%B"
# Standard label for pots connected to AIN pins:
LABEL std_ain "AIN #%3i %3d%B"
# Standard label for pots connected to AINSER module:
LABEL std_aser "AINSER #%3i %3d%B"
# Standard label for motorfaders:
LABEL std_mf "MF #%3i %3d%B"
These standard labels are displayed whenever an EVENT_* in the .NGC file refers to the appr. label, such as:
# this command is part of a .NGC file:
EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=NoteOn key=36 lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="^std_btn"
It's allowed that one label follows another in the same string:
# this command is part of a .NGC file:
EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=NoteOn key=36 lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="^clr^btn^value"
will print the ^clr, the ^btn and the ^value label (which have been defined by yourself).
And for the case, that text follows a label, terminate it with ^#
# this command is part of a .NGC file:
EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=NoteOn key=36 lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="^clr^#MyText"
will print the ^clr label (which has been defined by yourself), followed by "MyText".
The size of a label is limited to 8 characters to avoid unnecessary compute overhead while searching for matching strings.
CONDitional labels are the most powerful purpose of global label definitions - they allow to output different strings based on the EVENT value!
Following example demonstrates the purpose pretty nicely:
COND_LABEL fil_type
COND =0 "Bypass "
COND =1 "LP 24dB "
COND =2 "LP 12dB "
COND =3 "BP 24dB "
COND =4 "BP 12dB "
COND =5 "HP 24dB "
COND =6 "HP 12dB "
COND =7 "Notch24dB"
COND =8 "Notch12dB"
COND =9 "Comb+ "
COND =10 "Comb- "
COND =11 "PPG LP "
COND_ELSE "Type %3d "
An EVENT_* command can use it this way:
# this command is part of a .NGC file:
EVENT_ENC id=1 type=CC cc=16 lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="Filter Type: ^fil_type"
So: each value can be named, but it's also possible to define value ranges at which a string should be taken, such as:
COND =0 "Val is 000 %3d"
COND =1 "Val is 001 %3d"
COND =2 "Val is 002 %3d"
COND =3 "Val is 003 %3d"
COND <20 "Val is <20 %3d"
COND <=40 "Val is <=40 %3d"
COND_ELSE "else cond. %3d"
Here a list of supported commands:
COND Statement
| Description
COND_LABEL "<name>" |
Starts a conditional label. The size of a label name is limited to 8 characters!
COND = or == |
String will be taken if the EVENT value is equal to the specified constant
COND < |
String will be taken if the EVENT value is less than the specified constant
COND <= |
String will be taken if the EVENT value is less or equal the specified constant
COND > |
String will be taken if the EVENT value is greater than the specified constant
COND >= |
String will be taken if the EVENT value is greater or equal the specified constant
This finishes a conditional label and returns a string if the previous statements haven't hit.
It's strongly recommended to use this condition regardless if your definitions cover all possible values or not - it's at least a debugging help:
COND_ELSE "I made an error!"
Note that > and >= actually don't make much sense, since the conditions are processed top-down. Once the EVENT value is greater(-equal) the constant, the matching label will be taken, and the remaining conditions won't be processed anymore. These statements are only provided for completeness purposes... ;-) (and sometimes it's useful to express conditions this way)
Format Specifiers
Following format specifiers are available:
- %d: will output the value (minus specified offset) in decimal format
- %u: same like %d, but value always in unsigned format
- %x: will output the value (minus specified offset) in hexadecimal format
- %X: same like %x, but with capital letters
- %c: will output the value as character
- %s: will output an empty string. In conjunction with padding values it could save some memory, e.g. "%20s" will output 20 spaces
- %i: the ID of the EVENT
- %p: for EVENT_BUTTON_MATRIX only: the pin number of the matrix
- %e: the MIDI event of the EVENT (up to 3 hexadecimal values, always 6 characters)
- %m: the minimum value of the EVENT which has been specified with range
- %M: the maximum value of the EVENT which has been specified with range
- %b: a binary digit: * if value >= (range/2), o if value < (range/2)
- %B: a vertical bar which works like a meter.
In conjunction with various fonts (selected with &<font>) alternative icons will be output instead.
- %q: current selected bank (q is a rotated b - do you see it? ;-)
- %C: clear all LCDs
- %%: outputs the % character
It's possible to format the output by adding following specifiers after the percent (%) character. In following example the %d (decimal value) is used, but this works with any format type:
- %3d: the value will be padded with spaces to 3 characters, and it will be output right-aligned, e.g. " 1", " 10", "100"
- %-3d: the value will be padded with spaces to 3 characters, and it will be output left-aligned, e.g. "1 ", "10 ", "100"
- %03d: the value will be padded with zeroes to 3 characters, and it will be output right-aligned, e.g. "001", "010", "100"
Technical Background
Actually the RAM memory size of a MBHP_CORE_STM32 or MBHP_CORE_LPC17 core is too low to provide instant access to huge conditional string lists. Therefore the definitions of a .NGL file will be automatically compiled into a .BIN file whenever the .NGL file has been modified. The .BIN file is structured in a way so that MIDIbox NG can quickly access the strings directly from SD Card. By using a clever registration mechanism this mostly allows access within less than 1 mS, which is totally acceptable for a thread which is running in background, and which doesn't delay the MIDI processing.
Therefore you are welcome to use conditional labels as often as you like - they won't affect the performance, and they are a very useful extension to improve the readability of parameter value selections! :-)

Last update: 2024-05-08
Copyright © 1998-2023, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.