Firmwares for the expired PIC16F

It's time to say good-bye!

The PIC16F877 was a loyal companion in the last 4 years, regardless of its memory limitations and bank/page quirks I was able to get a lot out of this microcontroller, but since Microchip released the pin-compatible PIC18F452 it makes no sense to work with the PIC16F family in a hobbyist project anymore.

The PIC18F comes with a lot of advantages, it enabled me to create a powerful operating system called MIOS which allows to realize application on a more efficient way. Since a MIOS port to the PIC16F family is not possible, and since I stuffed all my MIDIboxes with a PIC18F452 in the meantime, I cannot support PIC16F firmwares anymore.

However, below you will find the final releases of the PIC16F firmwares. They are intended for the guys who already bought a PIC16F877 or who have some spare chips after the hardware migration to MIOS.

Remember: in difference to the MIOS approach these firmwares cannot be uploaded via MIDI. The corresponding .hex file has to be flashed into the chip with a PIC programmer instead.
The MBHP_CORE module has to be stuffed with a PIC16F877 and a 20 MHz crystal! All modules of the MIDIbox Hardware Platform are compatible to these firmwares.

Program Description MIDIbox64 V1.01b - supports up to 64 pots, 64 buttons, 64 LEDs. MIDIbox64SEQ V1.01 - 4 track * 3 layers analogue style sequencer --- Link to old manuals. MIDIbox16e V1.004 - supports up to 16 rotary encoders, 16 LED rings, 64 buttons, 64 LEDs.
Note that in difference to the MIOS based version the rotary encoders and LED rings have to be connected to port J6 and J7 of the core module like shown here. MIDIbox MF V1.000 - supports 8 motorfaders, 64 buttons, 64 LEDs. Note that the faders are driven with 8 bit resolution only. The Motorfader handler has been significantly improved in MIOS. MIDIbox SID V1.5b - almost compatible to the MIOS based version V1.5, therefore useful as single SID synth or as SID slave. The PIC16F version doesn't support a control surface! MIDIO128 V1.006 - supports up 128 buttons and 128 LEDs MIDImon V1.011 - note that only the 16 last events are stored in the trace buffer, that the MTC decoder is not reliable, and that the Song position counter overruns at 99 MIDImerger V1.004 - there is no MIOS replacement yet MIDIfilter/processor V1.4 - note that programming a PIC16F doesn't make fun!

Last update: 2025-02-22

Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.