MIOS32 - the MIDIbox Operating System for STM32 and LPC17

Download Section

Bootloader for STM32F10x, STM32F4xx and LPC17xx derivatives
File Description
mios32_bootloader_v1_018.zip MIOS32 Bootloader Update Package. Use this to program a virgin STM32, STM32F4 or LPC17xx device or to update/check a preprogrammed bootloader.
In distance to MIOS8, MIOS32 doesn't require a separate installation since it is integrated in the application binary.
Please note that commercial use is not allowed without my permission!
LINK Programming Tutorial
LINK Functions overview for MIOS32
MIDIbox Wiki The MIDIbox Wiki
LINK MIOS Studio 2
LINK Upload Guide for Newbies (MIOS32 version)
LINK Upload Guide for Experts (MIOS32 version)
midibox.org_gm5_WIN32_1.0.10.zip USB MIDI driver for 32bit Windows. Especially recommended for MIOS32 applications which provide more than 1 USB MIDI Port for robust SysEx transfers. Also provides multi client capability and improved performance.
Details about this driver can be found at the MBHP_USB_GM5 page.
Note that for MacOS and Linux no special driver is required!
The GM5 driver is currently not supported for the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module, but it's planned to provide it in future!
midibox.org_gm5_X64_1.0.10.zip USB MIDI driver for 64bit Windows.
STM32F1 Applications
usb_midi_2x2_v1_010.zip A 2x2 USB MIDI interface based on the MBHP_CORE_STM32 module with integrated MIDI monitor SOURCE
usb_mass_storage_device_v1_007.zip Turns your MBHP_CORE_STM32 module into a SD Card reader SOURCE
midibox_seq_v4_097.zip MIDIbox SEQ V4 SOURCE
STM32F4 Applications
usb_midi_2x2_v1_010.zip A 2x2 USB MIDI interface based on the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module with integrated MIDI monitor SOURCE
usb_midi_4x4_v1_010.zip A 4x4 USB MIDI interface based on the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module with integrated MIDI monitor SOURCE
midio128_v3_019.zip MIDIO128 V3 SOURCE
midibox_kb_v1_016.zip MIDIbox KB SOURCE
midibox_seq_v4_097.zip MIDIbox SEQ V4 SOURCE
midibox_ng_v1_036.zip MIDIbox NG SOURCE
LPC17 Applications
usb_midi_2x2_v1_010.zip A 2x2 USB MIDI interface based on the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module with integrated MIDI monitor SOURCE
usb_midi_4x4_v1_010.zip A 4x4 USB MIDI interface based on the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module with integrated MIDI monitor SOURCE
usb_mass_storage_device_v1_007.zip Turns your MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module into a SD Card reader SOURCE
midibox_seq_v4_097.zip MIDIbox SEQ V4 SOURCE
midibox_seq_v4l_086.zip MIDIbox SEQ V4L SOURCE
midio128_v3_019.zip MIDIO128 V3 SOURCE
midibox_kb_v1_016.zip MIDIbox KB SOURCE
midibox_ng_v1_036.zip MIDIbox NG SOURCE
Diagnosis Applications for all Cores
ainser_jitter_mon_v1_002.zip MBHP_AINSER64 SOURCE
iic_midi_v1_002.zip MBHP_IIC_MIDI SOURCE

Last update: 2025-03-21

Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.