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--> Enough from the old stuff, go back to the MIDIbox page
Low-Cost MIDI-Knobbox
* * * E X P I R E D * * *
Created in June 1998, published in Elektor 2/2000
The Hardware
The main part of the MIDIbox is the Microcontroller PIC 16F84 by
Microchip, which is clocked
with 10 MHz. It gives enough performance to handle the potentiometers and to
send MIDI data. The AD converter MAX 186 by Maxim
is used to measure the voltage from the potentiometers and convert it into
digital data streams. And thats nearly all of the Box. Yeah, its really simple. :)
The Software
The software was developed very quickly, the test phase took much
longer. New concepts, new routines... but now the handling is very
effective. The final source code of MIDIbox 1 is here.
But look up for the completly re-design!
I appologize for the spagetti code, but compress a complex program into 1k
program memory must take compromises. If you are firm with PIC programming, you
can extend the source code by your needs.
Available Layers
Two layers are available for software synthesizers. This mean, you can change 16 parameters with your MIDIbox. The Layer 1 and 2 Map:
Layer |
Pot1 |
Pot2 |
Pot3 |
Pot4 |
Pot5 |
Pot6 |
Pot7 |
Pot8 |
1 |
$10 XX |
$11 XX |
$12 XX |
$13 XX |
$14 XX |
$15 XX |
$16 XX |
$17 XX |
2 |
$18 XX |
$19 XX |
$1a XX |
$1b XX |
$1c XX |
$1d XX |
$1e XX |
$1f XX |
Also the MIDIbox supports controlling soundcards with EMU chip like AWE and Soundblaster Live! You can play with your EMU soundcard over a MIDI monitor with MIDI thru function or with a sequencer. The Map for the EMU Chip is:
Layer |
Pot1 |
Pot2 |
Pot3 |
Pot4 |
Pot5 |
Pot6 |
Pot7 |
Pot8 |
3 |
Volume |
Panorama |
Expression |
Modulation |
LP CutOff |
LP Reson. |
Chorus |
Reverb |
4 |
LFO1 Delay |
LFO1 Freq. |
LFO1->Pitch |
LFO1->Vol. |
LFO1->CutOff |
LFO2 Delay |
LFO2 Freq. |
LFO2->Pitch |
5 |
Env1 Delay |
Env1 Attack |
Env1 Hold |
Env1 Decay |
Env1 Sustain |
Env1 Release |
Env1->Pitch |
Env1->CutOff |
6 |
Env2 Delay |
Env2 Attack |
Env2 Hold |
Env2 Decay |
Env2 Sustain |
Env2 Release |
- |
- |
Its easy to build the Box, you can do it yourself without
much effort, if you know the right end of the soldering iron. To put
the software into the PIC, you need the PICplus programmer kit or one
of the minimal programmer, which are available in the internet. I would
comment the minimal programmer
by Martin Clausen which is easy to build and can also burn the
16F87x for MIDIbox Plus!
Anyway, if you see no chance to program the PIC, I can do it for you. You only
have to send a PIC to me. I will get no money for this, but don't forget
to send me also some stamps for shipping.
With the MIDIbox I realize, that keyboard and mouse is
only a handicap when making music. Now I create my own sounds without
stole it from soundfont archives. Yeah, its really cool. :)
Here are some examples which were recorded at the first week after
the MIDIbox was running:
bsp1.mp3 (140k) LFO experiments
bsp2.mp3 (154k) Drum Jam
bsp3.mp3 (119k) Techno-Sequence (melody taken from radio... ;)

Last update: 2025-02-22
Copyright © 1998-2025, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.