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MIOS - the MIDIbox Operating System

Download Section

Operating System
File Description
mios_v1_9h.zip MIOS V1.9h and Bootloader V1.2 (ChangeLog)
Please read the README.TXT carefully before uploading any .hex file of this package!
Source code for MIOS and Bootloader is available in the GIT Repository. Please note that commercial use is not allowed without my permission!
LINK MIOS Studio 2
LINK Upload Guide for Newbies (MIOS8 version)
LINK Upload Guide for Experts (MIOS8 version)
cmios_fun.html Functions overview (also included in the MIOS release)
mios_sysex_implementation.txt MIOS SysEx Implementation
mios_encoder_modes.gif The different rotary encoder modes provided by MIOS
mios_backup.txt How to create backups
mios_ram_handling.txt Some hints for programmers
mios_pin_list.txt The IO pin usage of MIOS
mios_din_dout_pin_numbers.txt Table of DIN/DOUT pin numbers
MIDIbox Wiki The MIDIbox Wiki
Complete Applications
midibox_lc_v1_6g.zip Emulation of Logic/Mackie Control
magic_midi_delay_v1c.zip see this forum article
midibox_tc_v1c.zip see this forum article
mbhp_tv_v1c.zip see this forum article
midibox_sid_v1_7303e.zip The PIC18F452 version of MIDIbox SID (old, PIC18F452 based firmware - expired and not maintained anymore!)
midibox_sid_v2_046.zip MIDIbox SID V2 (new, PIC18F4685 based firmware)
midibox64_v2_4f.zip The complete PIC18F port of MIDIbox64
midibox64e_v2_2e.zip The complete PIC18F port of MIDIbox64E
midibox_mf_v2_2c.zip The complete PIC18F port of MIDIbox MF
midio128_v2_2c.zip The complete PIC18F port of MIDIO128
midimon_v2_0d.zip The complete PIC18F port of MIDImon
midi_benchmark_v1c.zip a benchmark which allows you to measure the performance of your MIDI connection - see also this forum article
midibox_cv_v1_3.zip MIDIbox CV V1
midibox_seq_v2_4f.zip MIDIbox SEQ V2 (old, PIC18F452 based firmware - expired and not maintained anymore!)
midibox_seq_v3_4h.zip MIDIbox SEQ V3 (new, PIC18F4620 based firmware)
midibox_808_v1_3a.zip MIDIbox 808, a drum sequencer for analog and MIDI (PIC18F4620 based firmware)
midibox_fm_v1_4i.zip MIDIbox FM (PIC18F452 and PIC18F4685 based firmware)
A FM synthesizer based on the Yamaha YMF262
C Applications
midibox_mm_v2_0e.zip Emulation of CM Motormix (see also this forum article)
analog_toolbox_v1_1e.zip Allows digital processing of analog signals (see also this forum article)
clockbox_enhanced_v1c.zip Outputs up to 9 MIDI clocks and 24ppqn signal (see also this forum article)
clockbox_simple_v1c.zip Older version of the clockbox which is less complex and therefore a better template for own applications.
ain64_din128_dout128_v2c.zip MIOS configured for 64 pots, 128 buttons, 128 LEDs - don't forget: all unused analog inputs must be clamped to ground!
din_velocity_unmuxed_v1c.zip Simple program to realize velocity buttons (e.g. for drumpads) - see also this forum article
sm_c_example1_v1c.zip How to drive a button matrix of 8x8 = 64 buttons. See also this connection diagram.
sm_c_example2_v1c.zip How to handle a button matrix of 8x8 = 64 buttons superfast (within 80 uS) and with debouncing.
button_duoled_matrix_v1_2c.zip How to handle a 4x16 (or 8x8) Button/Duo-LED matrix - see also this forum article
sid_random_v1c.zip A random patch generator for MIDIbox SID - see also this forum article
midi_router_v1_1c.zip The MIDI Router project
stribe_v1_0c.zip MIDIbox based firmware for the Stribe project (see also this forum article)
blm_scalar_v1_1.zip Firmware for BLM16x16+X. The BLM driver can also used for other purposes, it scans 5 8x8 matrices for up to 320 buttons and 320 Duo-LEDs (=640 outputs)
midi_force_to_scale_v1_1.zip see this forum article
change_id_v1_9g.zip This program allows you to change the ID header without reburning the chip --- use this program with care and read the informations given in README.txt!
lcd_interconnection_test_v2.zip Testprogram for the interconnections between Core and LCD module (read the README.txt file for the usage)
dout_enc_v1c.zip Utility which allows to select one of 128 DOUTs with an encoder - nice to check LEDs and to identify the appr. DOUT pin number as well as the shift register number
dout_buttons_v1c.zip same like the dout_enc application but with inc/dec button
enc_speed_v1c.zip Utility to test the various rotary encoder speed modes
srio_interconnection_test_v2a.zip Testprogram for the interconnections between Core and DIN/DOUT modules (read the README.txt file for the usage)
jitter_mon_v1c.zip Utility which displays the jitter of an analog input. The pin has to be selected with two inc/dec buttons
mf_calibration_v1c.zip Utility for Motorfader calibration
mf_direct_control_v1c.zip Utility to control the motorfaders directly with Button 1-16
mbsid_interconnection_test_v2.zip Testprogram for the interconnections between Core and SID module of MIDIbox SID (read the README.txt file for the usage)
mbsid_testtone_v3c.zip Just plays a 1kHz triangle wave on the SID - nice for testing the audio output without the need for a MIDI sequencer or keyboard. With the new v2 version, both MBHP_SID modules connected to a core are initialised.
In addition, a 1kHz square wave will be generated on the CS pin (#8) - see xxx for additional informations.
mbsid_led_matrix_test_v1c.zip Testprogram for the LED matrix of MIDIbox SID Step C
mbfm_interconnection_test_v2a.zip Testprogram for the interconnections between Core and OPL3 module of MIDIbox FM (read the README.txt file for the usage)
mbfm_testtone_v1d.zip Just plays a 1kHz sine wave on the OPL3 over all 4 channels - nice for testing the audio outputs without the need for a MIDI sequencer or keyboard
iic_midi_sw_loopback_v1c.zip Test application for MBHP_IIC_MIDI module - please read the README.txt for details
revision_id_v1c.zip This program displays the revision ID of the PIC you are using, and sends it via MIDI (for the case that no LCD is connected). Useful to determine, if you got a PIC18F4620 B4 step or higher w/o the EUSART bug (see README.txt)
Example Applications (read the README.txt for more infos)
j5_dout_v1e.zip How to save a DOUTX1 module by using J5 as digital output. Hardware examples for driving LEDs, Relais, CMOS-Switches
j5_din_v1c.zip How to save a DINX1 module by using J5 as digital input. Hardware example for triggering on buttons
led_digits1_v1c.zip How to drive 8 LED digits with a DOUTX3 module (schematic: leddigits_8.pdf). Up to 48 digits can be driven by a single core in this way.
led_digits2_v1c.zip How to drive 16 LED digits with a DOUTX4 module (schematic: leddigits_16.pdf). Up to 64 digits can be driven by a single core in this way.
led_digits_mtc_v1c.zip MTC receiver example (displays the MIDI time code on the LCD and on 8 LED digits).
led_digits_clk_v1c.zip MIDI clock receiver example (displays the MIDI clock on the LCD and on 8 LED digits).
bs_xfer_v1c.zip How to upload/download and convert BankStick data via MIDI. This package contains also a syx2asm.pl and bin2asm.pl script to convert MIOS .syx files or plain binary files to assembler format
sm_example1_v2c.zip How to drive a button matrix of 8x8 = 64 buttons. See also this connection diagram.
sm_example2_v1d.zip How to handle a button matrix of 8x8 = 64 buttons superfast (within 80 uS) and with debouncing.
Custom LCD drivers (for LCDs which are not natively supported by MIOS)
lcd7_t6963c_h_v2a.zip T6963C in horizontal screen mode (low performance!), see also MBHP_LCD page
lcd7_t6963c_v_v2a.zip T6963C in vertical screen mode (better performance), see also MBHP_LCD page
lcd7_iic_v2a.zip Matrix Orbital display via IIC interface, see also MBHP_LCD page
lcd7_clcd_v2a.zip Simplified Character Display driver for HD44780 - can be used as template for other displays (Note: up to 2 CLCDs are natively supported by MIOS -> LCD type #0)
lcd7_clcd_multi_v1a.zip Character Display driver for up to 8 HD44780 based CLCDs
lcd7_ks0108_v2a.zip Simplified Graphical Display driver for KS0108 - can be used as template for other displays (Note: KS0108 is natively supported by MIOS -> LCD type #1)
lcd7_pcd8544_v2a.zip Graphical Display driver for PCD8544 (known from Nokia mobile phones) - up to 8 displays can be connected together, see also the MBHP_LCD page
lcd7_dog_v1a.zip Display driver for EA DOG16xx displays, see also MBHP_LCD page
lcd7_dog_g_v1a.zip Display driver for Graphical DOG displays, see also MBHP_LCD page
lcd_benchmark_v1c.zip a benchmark which allows you to measure the performance of a display - see also this forum article
MIOS Base Package and Skeletons
mios_base_v1_1.zip Required for programmers only!
See also this forum article
Release from 2009-10-04
Change Logs are available in the GIT repository.
sdcc_skeleton_v1_1.zip A precompiled skeleton for C based applications.
This package also contains most parts of the base package in a local directory, so that it can be directly recompiled with "make" for most comfortable usage without the need to set environment variables.
asm_skeleton_v1_1.zip Same for assembly based applications.

Last update: 2024-05-08

Copyright © 1998-2023, Thorsten Klose. All rights reserved.